Avac Event

CROI 2016

The annual Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) took place from February 22 to 25 in Boston. Read on for news and materials from the conference and information on our post-CROI webinar series.

News from the Conference

From our blog:

For further background information, press releases and other useful resources on the ring trial results, visit here.

Additional Coverage

As in years past, aidsmap covered the conference with their excellent in-depth reporting across a range of research areas, including HIV prevention. Their full coverage is available here.

Post-CROI webinar series

We will be convening a series of post-CROI webinars covering a range of topics over the next couple of months. For more information on upcoming webinars and for slides and audio from past webinars, click here.

And stay tuned to our Advocates’ Network emails to be the first to know about additional webinars in the series!

Webcasts and Posters

All CROI webcasts may be accessed here. Electronic posters will be available a week after the conference.

Tweets from #CROI2016