IPM 036

Principal Investigator(s):
Objective:IPM 036 is an open-label, randomized, crossover Phase I clinical trial designed to assess the potential drug-drug interactions as well as the safety of co-administration of the dapivirine ring and vaginally administered clotrimazole, a drug commonly used to treat vaginal infections.
Prevention Option(s):Microbicides
Study Design:Open label, Randomized
Arms and Assigned Interventions
DescriptionDapivirine Ring-004 for 28 days
Mode of Delivery
DescriptionDapivirine Ring-004 for 28 days along with clotrimazole, 5 g per day for 7 days
Mode of Delivery
Official Code: NCT02847286
Trial Sponsors: IPM
Start Date
End Date
September 1, 2015
April 1, 2017
Age range: 18 Years ↔ 45 Years
Population:Cisgender Women