MTN 003B

Principal Investigator(s):Sharon A. Riddler, MD, MPH
Objective:The purpose of this study is to determine if taking daily TDF and FTC/TDF as a part of the study MTN-003 has an effect on bone mineral density (BMD).   Results: TDF-containing oral PrEP resulted in small but significant reversible decreases in hip and spine BMD among young African women.
Prevention Option(s):Microbicides
Study Design:
Arms and Assigned Interventions
DescriptionDaily dosing
Mode of DeliveryTablet
Official Code: NCT00729573
Trial Sponsors: MTN, NIAID
Start Date
End Date
November 5, 2009
May 1, 2013
Age range: 18 Years ↔ 45 Years
Population:Cisgender Women